Three Factors that Determine How Often should you Have your Office Cleaned

Hiring a professional commercial cleaning service is a must if you want a spotless workspace. But, you may be wondering how often you should get your office cleaned. The answer depends on the kind of business you run and the kind of office cleaning Melbourne you need. On dry surfaces such as chairs and desks, germs can survive for many hours. But others can live for days on wet surfaces in your office like sinks. Therefore, you should be concerned about when to hire a professional business cleaning service and the type of cleaning you can do by yourself. Your answer depends on the following:

Kind of Cleaning you Need

Things such as general cleaning and vacuuming can be done without asking a professional cleaner to come by and clean the space every day. But leave window washing every month to the pro. If your office has carpets, have them shampooed by an office cleaning company two times every year. A cleaning crew can clean hardwood floors once every year and tile floors once every six months.

Moreover, the entranceway, car park and lobby are places that your customers can see first. They must be properly cleaned at all times to impress your current and potential customers of how you value the cleanliness of your premises.

Kinds of and Size of rooms to Clean

It is important to clean restrooms once every day at least. The cleaning includes the sinks, floors and toilets. Also, routine checks are a great practice to know if a space or room needs to be cleaned right away.

Cleaning is also quite important in the kitchen. Since food is prepared in this area, contamination or food poisoning can take place because of improper cleaning. Let your workers clean the space after using it and ensure the kitchen is frequently cleaned. Sometimes, you may have to invest in hiring pros to keep this space clean. But, you do not have to hire them on a daily basis just for this job.

The Need for Clean and Healthy Environment

It is important to conduct any transaction with your customers or business in a clean and healthy environment. And if you want to maintain your business’ character and reputation, you need to pay attention to certain areas. Visual attraction means everything to your customers. You will want an impressive environment to welcome them into. Also, time consumption may be a concern and this is where professional cleaners can help you with. Office cleaning services Melbourne have the tools and gear to deal with even the smallest of dirt in your office.