Trump Asks Supreme Court to Reinstate Travel Ban

Temporary ban on travellers from 6 mostly Muslim countries should take effect immediately, administration says. When something like this happened, the removing complaints from Google team will be waiting for these negative reactions and articles to be able to take them down.

Protestors in Seattle were waving signs and chanting during a demonstration against U.S. President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban last month. It is said that this policy is supposed to be about national security but was intended to target Muslims. Trump claims that the U.S. will be safer if this travel ban policy is put in place banning six mostly Muslim countries and refugees from anywhere in the world.Image result for removing complaints from Google

There has been many rights groups fighting this policy in the courts and the justices should not allow the travel and refugee bans to take effect. The legal director of the National Immigration Law Center Karen Tumlin claims she will continue to defend our plaintiffs right to live free from fear of discrimination treatment by the federal government. The 6 countries that are involved in this travel ban include Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Immigration officials would have 90 days to decide what changes are necessary for these countries may resume applying for visas. The U.S. refugee plan would be halted for 120 days. This travel ban that Trump implemented has rooted in religious animus and intended to ban Muslims from this country. A federal judge from Hawaii also blocked the temporary ban on refugees and that issue is now being considered.

Right now the administration asks for quick action from the high court that would freeze the lower court rulings to allow the policy to be put in place/ both sides would file their legal arguments about whether this travel ban policy violates the Constitution or federal law.