Run a business? Well, it is likely that you will want to save as much money as possible. The more money you save, the more money you will be able to invest back into the company and ensure that it will continue to grow at a rapid rate. On this page, we are going to look at a few services which could feasibly be automated by a virtual office company.
Opening Mail
Seriously. When you open up a business, you will very quickly realise just how much mail you receive. Most of it is probably not worth your time reading. You will get tons of it, though. It will take a lot of time each day to go through it.
When you work with a virtual office service, the company you use will open up the mail for you. They will then do one of two things with the mail:
- They will scan it into their system. This system will be secure. You will then be able to browse through this mail at your leisure. For example, when you have some downtime at work. They may even categorise the letters for you, just to make it easier for you to find the important letters that really need to be read now, and to avoid the ones that can wait a little bit i.e. junk mail.
- They will package up all of the letters that you receive and forward them onto you. You will have the choice as to whether these are opened or not.
If you are close to the virtual office location, then you will be able to head there and collect your mail during their opening hours. They will have no issues with that!
Phone call answering services
When you run a business, particularly a small one, you probably do not want to pay somebody to only be answering phone calls. It is quite a big expensive. Therefore, many people will outsource their call answering to a virtual office service. There are several benefits to this:
- You will not need to hire a fulltime employee. Remember, the cost of a fulltime employee is not just linked to their salary. You will need to cover other costs too. Sure, you may want to upgrade to a fulltime employee later on during your business ventures, but probably not right away!
- You will never miss a call again! Remember, even if you do have employees answering your calls, they will not be able to get to all of them. This means that you will lose out on business. If this service is automated by the company that you work with, they will always have somebody answering your calls.
- The service will be professional. They will know how to put forward your business in the best possible light. This is great when it comes to the customer experience.
- They will be able to filter out the nuisance calls which will waste your time.
Remember; this is just a small smattering of the tasks that can be automated by a virtual office company. Find out what else they can help you with by picking up the phone and getting in touch!