Six Web Design Best Practices a Professional Agency Follows

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Summary: Hiring a professional web design agency may seem a costly strategy but the results can be incredible. This is because professional agencies follow best practices that raise the standards of your website, and drive performance.  

Website design process necessitates an understanding of different aspects of client business. An awareness, understanding and implementation of these aspects differentiates one web design service from another. A professional website design Liverpool service follows these best practices to a tee to ensure your website’s success.Image result for Six Web Design Best Practices a Professional Agency Follows

Best Practice #1 – Researching Target Audience

An experienced website design Liverpool service places utmost importance on understanding target audience as part of its design process. Research is important to understand if you have a single or multiple segments of target audience.

Research also reveals demographic details such as age, gender and health conditions of your target audience. Thus, if your audience includes those with visual impairment, features such as audio text can be planned.

Research also gives insights into your target audiences’ expectations of your website in terms of design outlook, content and device preferences, and colours and styles.

Thus, if research reveals that a major segment of your audience uses smartphones, your web design service may strongly recommend a responsive website design.

Best Practice #2 – Balancing Multiple Website Elements

A professional design service focuses on creating a website that is striking and practical. Elements such as text, images, headers and banners if any, are well-spaced to coordinate not just with each other, but with layout boundaries as well. With such a design, no website element seems out-of-place or unsightly.

Best Practice #3 – Focusing on Creating Memorable User Experiences

A professional design agency focuses on delivering the best user experience at every stage of web design process. Every aspect, from navigation, loading time, menu design and font usage to in-page links, and visual placement of information, is designed and tested for utmost user-friendliness.

This focus creates a website that gives your audiences what they want when they want, and exactly in the way they want it.

Best Practice #4 – Including Clear Calls-to-Action

A call-to-action is your gateway to pull your prospect closer to your brand. It is therefore important to have a call-to-action placed prominently on a webpage conveying clearly what the prospect’s next step should be.

A professional web design agency positions your call-to-action feature strategically, not just on the landing page, but on other webpages as well, so that you never lose an interested prospect.

Best Practice #5 Ensuring Consistency in Brand Presentation

If you are deviating from your brand colours, fonts, icons, and logo, across the website, then your design is being inconsistent. Brand inconsistency can confuse prospective customers and weaken your brand image. Ensure your colours, logos and design are same on all website pages to ensure brand consistency.

Best Practice #6 – Designing for SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is part of design process, and not something that needs to be done after the design is complete. Website elements such as images, content, navigation, inter-page links, and page titles and descriptions, among others need to be optimised to SEO standards to ensure your website visibility.

An expert website design Liverpool agency balances aesthetics and usability without compromising either, with the above best practices. Create value for your business and target audience in partnership with such an agency.