Five Tips to Help you Achieve a Better Outcome in Your Divorce

Filing for divorce is more than just filing your petition with the court. Before you file, you need to know how you can achieve a better outcome in your divorce. Here are tips to make it possible for you:

Work with a Good Divorce Lawyer

An experienced sandy divorce lawyer can help you understand the divorce process, including mediation, financial disclosures, and the legal requirements. Also, they can help you identify your goals regarding child custody, parent-time, as well as asset and debt division. They will tell you what you can expect from your divorce and help you make decisions that can benefit you and your children.

Collect Financial Documents

If you want to file for divorce, you need to have financial documents on hand. Collect all the records regarding your financial and retirement accounts, car loans, mortgages, tax returns, credit card statements, and pay stubs. Your divorce lawyer will need these records to give you a better representation. Also, the court may require disclosure of these records to your spouse during the case. Collecting these documents after the divorce can be difficult, so do it before file. 

Set Child Custody and Parent-Time Goals

Custody and parent-time are important concerns if you want to file for divorce and have children. Depending on your circumstances, the court may award you and your spouse joint custody of your children. Think about your work schedule, the schedule of your children, and other obligations when outlining the custody and parent-time arrangement you want. Your lawyer needs to know your goals in this matter, so they know what to do for you.

Decide Your Living Situation After You File

Talk to your spouse who gets to stay in the house after you file for divorce. Also, decide your goals for your living situation before and after your divorce is completed. You should discuss some important things with your lawyer since moving out of your family house can impact your chances of achieving your goals regarding child custody and your home. 

Have an Accurate Picture of Your Debts and Assets

Write out a simple balance sheet that shows all your debts and assets. These should include retirement savings and pensions, valuable personal property and real estate, bank account balances, credit card debts, car loans, mortgages, and other debts. With the balance sheet, you will have an accurate picture of your assets and debts and know what you and your spouse will divide during the divorce. Also, it helps you set a future budget.