Have a control of life events with the Event Tracker App of When Didl Lite

The life of today is full of events that a person is unable to keep a track of it. From the time a person is awake to the time they fall asleep on a bed. There are many basic things even for a normal person to keep a track off. With all the ongoing events that are regular, it becomes difficult to maintain them. For a simple example let us consider time maintenance. One person has to reach this place at a particular time and on another at a different time. It is simple that a person is not able to reach both places a similar time. Likewise, a normal person gets a hair cut in one or two months. But how they know they need a hair cut? When they find that their hair has grown longer or when someone tells them.

   WhenDidI Lite - Event Tracker- screenshot

Make proper schedule

Due to different events coming up, a person is not able to perform other tasks and they already have many things pending. The simple solution for keeping a track of small and big events in life is WhenDidI Lite – Event Tracker app. This one app is a clear solution for keeping all the tracks for the upcoming events of the day and next month. This app is available at Play Store which is free to download. Millions of people are using this application and enjoying their life while they can easily track the events going around them.

Installing the Application

To download WhenDidI Lite – Event Tracker, a user is required to have Android version 4.0 and above. Go to play store and type the name of the application and search for it. After finding the app, just click on download and wait for a few seconds. The size of the app is about 4 MB which can be downloaded using a wifi or normal mobile data. Once the application is installed then run the app and you are ready to use it.

WhenDidI Lite - Event Tracker

What more can be done

The application is customizable according to the need of a person. Anyone can create or edit the events are the scheduling for. The prices, measurement and even how many calories they are taking can be tracked easily. There are speech alerts, notes adding, email attachments, storage SD card backup, charts of events and much more.