Top Team Management Software

Any business can improve its efficiency with the help of the right tools. Your team can also work better if you organize the workflow properly. Check out these top team management tools that can help you get the job done.

There are so many different types of software out there. Any business can automate its processes using the right tools. Even programmers use software because they need it not only to write code and compile it but also to work together as a team. Here at Talmatic we provide outstaffing services and we totally know what it takes to manage remote teams. There are all kinds of software you can use.

For Brainstorming and Coordination

The first stage of any project is researching the main issue and defining the goal. It helps to build a “roadmap” and intermediate milestones.

MindMup 2 is a widely known associative charting service with a clean and intuitive interface. The free version of the map can only be saved publicly. Private cards are available in Gold (from $25 per year). The service is convenient for beginners, also suitable for not too complicated but regular tasks. It’s also possible to work from multiple accounts.

MindMeister is another mind mapping service. It is more expensive (version for teamwork – from $9 per month), but also has more features. Icons, image library, edit history, presentation mode, task feed, chat and more. You can plan the development of an application or other complex products.

GanttPro is an application that allows you to plan projects and monitor the process of their execution. At the heart of the product is the popular principle of the Gantt chart. Two axes are used: on the vertical is a list of tasks, the horizontal is assigned to the calendar. A clear and visual schedule is obtained. Tasks can be grouped and subdivided, timed, and status tracked. Service is most useful for companies that develop complex products with a large amount of work.

To Plan Tasks

There’s a great number of programs that allow you to control your team by planning and distributing tasks. It’s also important to be able to control the process of their execution. There are dozens of planners to choose from, here are some examples.

Trello is probably the best-known online service. This tool would let you organize your tasks using boards and cards. It’s very efficient and free. You can start using it right after registration. You can use Trello for free but you have to pay if you need extensions. You can have multiple boards, add checklists, dues dates, labels and much more. It can be synchronized with many services like GitHub, Google Drive, and more.

Jira is actually a bug tracking system that was intended as a tool for organizing user interaction. Despite this fact, it’s widely used to manage different kinds of projects. Works well for Agile and Scrum teams. You can plan sprints, assign tasks, specify priorities, and track your deadlines.

Bitrix24 is a product that is positioned as a business process automation and optimization service. There is an opportunity to plan tasks on several projects at once, to appoint executors, to measure the time spent, to exchange messages, to communicate in a live chat. It has a built-in CRM. This tool is more popular with non-tech companies.

For Internal Communication

Slack is a handy corporate messenger that needs no introduction. Closed and open chat rooms, file sharing, convenient mobile version. It works well and it’s suitable for many teams.

Skype is a classical communication tool that is used with colleagues, contractors, and customers. But it definitely has problems with usability. For example, you must manually open the corresponding section to see the message during a call.

For Time Tracking

It is necessary to track the time of completion of tasks, first, for more accurate planning. If you know exactly how long it took for the project, next time it will be easier to plan the work. Secondly, time-tracking helps to really estimate the cost of different products and services: the price depends directly on the human resources invested in the project.

Toggl was mainly designed for freelancers and sole proprietors, although Toggl also lets you track the activities of an entire team of employees. It has a simplified interface, which has the ability to distribute tasks within projects, quickly select clients, incl. create projects or add clients without going beyond the taskbar. The application is available as a web interface, there are browser extensions, a mobile application, and a desktop application. The latter can automatically track certain activities and set reminders. More than a hundred integrations with other popular tools such as Trello and Asana.

Timely – In addition to time tracking, there are scheduling and billing features. This tool is intended for both individual users and teams who need a specialized time tracker. It’s kind of unique because it has an automatic time tracking feature. Any activity is recorded, depending on the past history of what the user did. The system then prompts itself for the appropriate label and tags.