Trying to Remove Anything Negative from Google

Many individuals, or even companies have been trying to figure out how it is even possible removing complaints from Google. The answer to your question and their questions is its not possible. The way to do this is to be able to suppress the article or anything that appears negative when you Google yourself or the company you are working for or your own company. You need the Removing Complaints from Google company today if you have read this and thought, yes I do need to remove something from Google.

It is said that the rise of reputation management is being fueled by misleading journalism and the fact of the matter is that everything can be found by simply taking two seconds of your time and Googling the company. Back then, when there was negative press, it would only last a few days and there would be no history retrieval on this information like there is today. With these times becoming to Digital Age, it is important to consider everything you post, send and write online for the sake of your own reputation or company’s reputation. With social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, the word spreads within minutes and hours internationally therefore once something gets leaked, it will always be there and will never disappear. Those times are gone.

Newspapers will generally reject anyone’s request to have an article unpublished since they are less concerned with protecting their online reputation. Even if you get your article unpublished or deleted, it will still remain on the internet regardless and that is a way suppression is a great way to handle a situation like this. An example of this is the Domino’s video where one employee fooled around with one of the pizza and immediately posted it to YouTube and by the morning there were around 6 million views. The company got YouTube to delete this horrific video that ruined their reputation for years yet people are still able to see it on YouTube even if it has been ‘taken down’. This goes to show that everything will still be on the internet.